Mortal Online Wiki

- Fixed several crashes in the login and server solution.
- Fixed bug that forced you to re-log when you first created a character to be able to see npcs.
- Fixed some issues with weight on the client.
- Fixed lots of bugs with the weight on the server.
- Mercy mode is re-added and should now work again.
- Fixed a bug that made it really hard to equip shields.
- Rebuilt parts of the ai.
- Creatures didn't react on ranged attacks, that is now fixed
- Creature AI has been updated and is now more stable and efficient
- Creatures now flee correctly when they loose their will to fight
- Some creature movement speed issues has been fixed
- Complete rework of the client side login system should now have better feedback and hopefully crashproof!
- Small fix for the login server
- Creatures should now correctly face the attacker during the whole fight
- Some aggro behaviors have been tweaked.

- Reworked parts of the banking system.
- The bank ui will no longer work away from the banker and will be closed if you try.
- Fixed a bug in the item spawning code.

- World Ambience added
- Sausage Lake water ambience updated
- Reverb added in mining cave
- Tindreme Male impact sounds have been replaced with new ones.

- Farm added near Fabernum
- New Pinetree model
- Spongewood trees scaled up
- Minor proping tweeks
- Added props and fixed bridges for 2 3